Tuesday, 3 February 2009

How To Disagree Politely ?

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All of us disagree with others at times. Here are some useful tips for managing discord with grace and finesse.

It's easy to get along with another person until you disagree. That's when things get sticky. Many of us have trouble managing our emotions, sharing our viewpoints, and inviting the opinions of others.

Since disagreement is inevitable in the course of extended communication, here are some practical tips for sharing a dissenting perspective without irreparably damaging a relationship with the speaker.

The bottom line is to remain respectful and polite, even if the other person fails to do so. Self-control is a universal virtue admired by all. The man who controls his spirit is like one who conquers a city, the proverb says. So keep disagreements in perspective and watch for subtle opportunities of sharing your viewpoint without badgering or belittling others.

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