Thursday, 21 October 2010

Deaf Dog Learns Sign Language

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Deaf dog passes toughest obedience test in Britain after mastering sign language

By Andrew Levy
Last updated at 7:24 AM on 19th October 2010

It's not unheard of for a dog to turn a deaf ear to his owner – usually when the pet in question is chewing up a fascinating new item of furniture.

Zippy the Boston terrier, on the other hand, really does have a hearing problem. But thanks to his owner, who came up with her own form of sign language, he is still top dog in his obedience class.

Despite being completely deaf, two-year-old Zippy has now received the Kennel Club's highest award for obedience.

Perfectly-behaved pooch: Zippy follows owner Vicky's commands through a unique form of sign language

Perfectly-behaved pooch: Zippy follows owner Vicky's commands through a unique form of sign language

Owner Vicky Tate shows the sign for 'Walk towards me'

Owner Vicky Tate shows the sign for 'Walk towards me'

A favourite of Zippy's, this is the sign for 'Play time'

A favourite of Zippy's, this is the sign for 'Play time'

Time for Zippy to take a break, this is 'Sit down'

Time for Zippy to take a break, this is 'Sit down'

Zipping along: Zippy tails owner Vicky around an obstacle course obeying her sign language commands

Zipping along: Zippy tails owner Vicky around an obstacle course obeying her sign language commands

Profoundly deaf Zippy, a two-year-old black and white Boston Terrier, has just passed the Kennel Club's highest award for obedience after being trained by owner Vicky Tate

Top dog: Profoundly deaf Zippy, a two-year-old black and white Boston Terrier, has just passed the Kennel Club's highest award for obedience after being trained by owner Vicky Tate

deaf dog learns sign language

Watch and learn: Vicky Tate puts Zippy through his paces, using her specially-developed form of sign language


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