Saturday 23 April 2011

Pair Of Twins With Same Birthdate

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Awesome foursome! Pair of twins in the same family beat 17m-to-one odds to share same birthday

By David Wilkes
Last updated at 12:16 AM on 18th April 2011

Parents often find it helpful to spread the cost of their children's birthdays through the year, but that's not an option for Tracey and Davood Bageban.
Against odds of 17million to one, their identical twin daughters, Dolcie and Elisia, share their birthday with the couple's sons, Diego and Armani, who are also identical twins.
Mr and Mrs Bageban conceived both sets of twins naturally. Following the girls' birth on February 27, three years to the day after the boys, Guinness World Records has confirmed that they are the only family in Britain to have two sets of identical twins born on the same day.
Double trouble: Tracey and Davood Bageban from Gateshead pictured with their twin sons Diego, right, and Armani and twin daughters Elisa, left, and Dolcie. All the children share the same birthday
Double trouble: Tracey and Davood Bageban from Gateshead pictured with their twin sons Diego, right, and Armani and twin daughters Elisa, left, and Dolcie. All the children share the same birthday

Mrs Bageban, 34, a psychology student, from Gateshead, said: 'It's such an incredibly rare thing to happen and I know I'm so lucky to have four such beautiful babies.'
Calculation of the mind-boggling odds was based on the starting point that one in every 64 UK births produces twins.

This figure is high because IVF is now more common and often produces multiple births. But only 30 per cent of twins are identical and the probability of two sets being born to one set of parents on the same date sends the odds soaring to 17million to one.
That makes it so rare that it would have been more likely for Mr and Mrs Bageban to have won the National Lottery – at 14million to one.
Mr Bageban, 33, works long hours as a shop manager to provide for the family. The couple are already planning for a giant birthday party next February 27.
Four of a kind: From left, Diego, Dolcie, Elisia and Armani Bageban
Four of a kind: From left, Diego, Dolcie, Elisia and Armani Bageban

Mr Bageban, 33, works long hours as a shop manager to provide for the family but still helps out with the babies' midnight and 3am feeds after work.

Mrs Bageban added: 'It's a bit of a mad house these days, but when you see how well they all get along it's brilliant.

'Our two boys basically adore their little sisters. It's so sweet. If one of the babies starts crying the lads follow me around saying "Baby crying" until they stop.

'The boys are so protective of the girls and say they have one each – Dolcie belongs to Armani and Elisia is Diego's. They love holding them and keep poking their little arms.'


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